"Improving educational outcomes for children looked after"
A service that provides:
1:1 bespoke support packages for pupils in school
Transition Support
Private Tutoring
Training for school staff
'Relax Kids' sessions
Training to schools, carers & other professionals
Training offered for those in the following areas:
Attatchment Disorders
Autism in Education
Improving educational outcomes for children looked after
Childhood Behaviour
New Research Shows that...
Being in care doesn't necessarily mean children's education will be impacted upon negatively; it is the impact of what occured prior to coming into care that may be detrimental to their education..
Improving social skills, self-esteem and friendships
Bespoke support packages
Created to support Children Looked After and improve educational outcomes.
“Educla is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and well-being of its pupils, engages with young people and staff in Policy and practice developments, proactively encourages feedback and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment”.